Ohio Biographies

George P. Mills

George P. Mills, who makes a speciality of stock-raising on his farm of of 280 acres, which is situated in Scioto Township, was born in Genoa Township, Delaware County, Ohio, April 15, 1838, that being Easter Sunday. His parents, Pierson and Elizabeth (Crampton) Mills, came to Ohio in 1836, from the vicinity of Patterson, Putnam County, New York, bringing with them their older children. The father was a blacksmith by trade and also engaged in farming. In 1838 he settled on a farm in Radnor Township, Delaware County, on which he lived until 1846, when he moved to Thompson Township, where he engaged in work at his trade until 1853. He then retired to Radnor Village, where he died in August, 1874. He married Elizabeth Crampton, and they were the parents of thirteen children, the survivors of the family being as follows: Esther, who resides at Delaware; George P.; Nancy, who married Levi Bechtel, resides at Bellefontaine, Ohio ; Rosanna, who is the widow of Hugh Stevens, and lives at Troy, Ohio. Of those now deceased : Hannah was the wife of John J. Flemming, of Prospect. Ohio: William lived at Glenwood, Iowa; Sarah was the wife of Edward Covill; and Maria Theresa was the wife of Alfred Rodman. Both parents were exemplary members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The father was a local preacher during his residence in Radnor Township, and he was accustomed to cover the Delphi Circuit on horseback.

George P. Mills went to school through boyhood in a log structure in the neighborhood of his home, and afterward taught school for several winters, frst in Marion County, Ohio, and later in Jones County, Iowa, lie remained in Iowa from 1860 until 1863, when he went to Montana, where he worked in the gold mines more or less continuously until 1866, when he returned to Radnor Township, Delaware County, Ohio. There he followed farming for ten years, after which he came to Scioto Township. In 1883, he bought the Freshwater farm which contains 280 acres, and on this large extent of land he is engaged in farming and stock-raising. His land is well adapted to growing corn, oats and hay, and to stock-raising. At the present writing he has in his fields and pastures, thirty polled Durham cattle, 220 Delaine sheep, and many head of hogs.

On August 17, 1868, Mr. Mills was married to Isadore E. Hammond, who is a daughter of Noah and Jane Hammond. Mrs. Mills was born in Licking County, Ohio, August 14. 1840. Mr. and Mrs. Mills have seven children, as follows : Maude, who is a teacher in the public schools of Ostrander; Mary, who resides at Delaware, engaged in the practice of dentistry; Mark P.; George P., Jr., who resides in MillCreek Township, Union County, Ohio; Hattie. who married Harlan Gordon, resides at Marion, Ohio: and Edward, who lives at Lamoure, North Dakota.

Mr. Mills is not identified with either of the great political parties. His father was a Democrat, but for a number of years he has cast his vote for all candidates according as they appealed to his sense of fitness for office. He has frequently served his fellow-citizens in responsible township positions, having always taken an active interest in promoting the best interests of his community. For seven years he assumed the responsibilities and duties of township trustee and for some twenty years has served on the School Board. He is one of the township's substantial citizens and representative men. The family residence, which was erected in 1870, is constructed of bricks, and is finished in its interim entirely with black walnut, from trees grown on the place.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens by James R. Lytle



