Ohio Biographies

James Cole

It is the custom with many farmers even in this day of known advantage in putting all corn and hay raised on a farm into stock, to sell the grain which they raise and only deal to a limited extent in live stock. Time has shown that this course is unwise and those farmers who stick to that obsolete custom are the losers. It is found that the best results are obtained from making the sale of live stock the first consideration, and it is not necessary to point out that most of the successful farmers have long ago adopted this practice. Aside from the improvement of the farm and the dealings in farms perhaps, it is probably the fact that the great majority of the wealthiest farmers have obtained all or nearly all of their wealth from their dealings in live stock. Such at least has been very largely the case of the subject of this sketch, who is now considered one of the most successful farmers of the vicinity of Union township, Fayette county, and who has come to his present gratifying state of prosperity solely through his own efforts.

James Cole, farmer and stock raiser, living on his fine farm of two hundred and thirty-five acres one and a half miles from Bloomingburg, is a native of the state of Tennessee, born in Carter county on July 4. 1854. He is a son of Joseph and Mahala (Garling) Cole, both of whom were natives of Tennessee, the former being born in Johnson county and one of the most skilled blacksmiths of his day in that locality. Joseph was a son of Samson, who was also a blacksmith in addition to conducting the business of a farm. Samson was the father of seven children, James. David, Jesse. Joseph (father of our immediate subject), Jonathan and Winnie. Joseph, the subject's father, was a Confederate soldier during the Civil War. He was the father of three children, the subject being the eldest. After the death of the father and the close of the war, this little family was sadly separated, the subject going into the country, where he worked on farms and became familiar with the ways of the agriculturist. In 1882 he came to this county, settling on the Squires farm and for ten years hired out his services to the farmers of the neighborhood. He then began farming on the share and succeeded so well that in due time he was able to purchase a tract of one hundred and seventy-five acres, which he retained and tilled for some time and upon the sale of it he purchased his present excellent farm. In his business methods. Mr. Cole is one of the most progressive farmers of this section, giving careful study and thought to every branch of his business. He is deserving of a great amount of credit for the way in which he has forged to the front and while his unremitting effort has been directed toward the goal of material success, he has never forgotten his duty as a citizen and father of a growing family. To this end whatever he could do to forward the social, moral, material or educational life of the community has been most gladly done and his manner of life and intercourse with his neighbors has won for him the kindest regard of all.

Mr. Cole was married when he came to this county, having been joined in holy wedlock with Amanda Taylor, daughter of David and Jane ( Blevens) Taylor, on September 29, 1880. Mrs. Cole is a native of Tennessee, where for many years her father was employed in the ore mines. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Cole has been blessed with four children, the eldest of whom. Harget, they were so unfortunate to lose. The rest of the family, Earl F., Jessie M. and James P., are with the parents.

Mr. Cole's fraternal affiliation is with the Free and Accepted Masons through the local lodge at Bloomingburg, and he is highly interested in the workings of that order. Politically, he supports the Republican party, but, while much interested in the party's affairs, has never found much time to devote to politics generally. He is at present serving Union township as a school director, making a most efficient member of that body. In all the affairs of life Mr. Cole is regarded as a man among men. His honor and integrity, as well as his energy and ability are above question, while his sincere friendliness has won and retains for him an ever-increasing circle of friends.


From History of Fayette County Ohio - Her People, Industries and Institutions by Frank M. Allen (1914, R. F. Bowen & Company, Inc.)



