Ohio Biographies

Dr. Charles Clinton Agin

Dr. Charles Clinton Agin, engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in Cincinnati, was born in Green Township, Hamilton County, Ohio on the 25th of August, 1851, a son of Dr. Burroughs and and Sarah J. (Smith) Agin. The father was a native of Pennsylvania, his birth having occurred in Bucks County, in 1837. Coming to Ohio, he taught school in what is now Price's Hill, and which thus engaged took up the study of medicine under the direction of his father-in-law, Dr. Thomas Smith. His preliminary reading proved so attractive that he determined to continue his preparation for the profession, and in due course of time was graduated from the Miami Medical College, winning a diploma from the institution and also from Ohio Medical College. He then entered upon the active work of the profession and remained a practitioner of Green Township until 1873, when he opened
an office in Cincinnati, where he remained until his death in 1891. He was for many years closely associated with the practice of medicine and at all times followed a most progressive policy, keeping in close touch with the advanced work made by the medical fraternity. He held membership with the Cincinnati Academy of Medicine and was also a member of Cheviot Lodge, A.F.& A. M. He and his wife belonged to the Methodist Episcopal Church and lived earnest Christian lives, devoted to the welfare and upbuilding of the church and humanity. In their family were nine children, of whom four reached years of maturity: Charles C.: Frances Ann; Emma Kansas; and Edward L.

Dr. Charles C. Agin was a pupil in the public schools near his father's home and was also a student in Farmer's College for three years. He then began reading medicine and with his father and their professional connection continued until the latter's death.. Dr. Charles C. Agin has since practiced alone and has continually progressed in his profession, doing work that entitled him to the high regard and gratitude of the general public and to the admiration and good will of his professional brethren. It was he who organized the West End Medical Society, of which he has continuously been the President, covering a period of about eighteen years. He belongs to the Cincinnati Academy of Medicine, the Ohio State Medical Society and the American Medical Association.

Aside from his professional connect, Dr. Agin is well known in different membership relations. He belongs to McMillan Lodge, F. & A. M., Willis Chapter, R. A.M., Hanselman Cammandery, K.T., Cincinnati Council, the Ohio Consistory, S. P. R. S., and Syrian Temple of the Mystic Shrine. He likewise holds membership with the Maccabees and is medical examiner for Brighton Tent.

Dr. Agin was married in 1882 to Miss Rose Rebmann, of Cincinnati, and they have three children; Elma Burroughs, wife of Dr. W. Bailey of Cincinnati; George Rebmann, who is practicing veterinary surgeon; and Boyd, an actor. The Doctor is a man of strong social instincts. He likes the good things of life and is ever courteous and genial, and possesses in large measure that quality which for want of a better term has been called personal magnetism. In other words, he readily draws to him those whom he meets and friendship is never sacrificed by an unworthy act on his part.


From Cincinnati, The Queen City, Volume III by Rev. Charles Frederic Goss, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1912



