J. Monroe Patton
J. Monroe Patton, of Cherry Fork, is a lineal descendant of John Patton, of Virginia. His father was Nathaniel Patton, of Harshaville. who married Ann Thompson, daughter of Daniel Thompson, of Adams County. The subject of this sketch was born on the old Patton homestead at Harshaville. October 13, 1850. Being of strong and robust frame during his boyhood days, and for over twenty years after his majority and marriage, he lived the busy and toilsome life of a farmer. He received the rudiments of an English education, the best it afforded, in his home district country school, and later he attended the old academy at Cherry Fork, in its better days, under the tuition of Professors Coleman and Smith.
October 8, 1872, he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah J. Allison, daughter of David Allison, of Spring Mill, Center County, Pa. This marriage was a happy one, uniting as it did two old and respectable families, many of whose descendants are scattered throughout the Ohio Valley, and recognized as active, honorable men and women.
In the Spring of 1893, Mr. Patton purchased the farm implement and hardware business (and drug store) of Morrison Bros., of Cherry Fork, and removed there with his family, where he now conducts the above named business. From his well known integrity and upright dealing with men, he has built up a business interest reaching into the country for miles about him.
His family consists of Mary Maud, who married Frank E. Kirkpatrick; Maggie Anna, who married Charles H. Morrison; Clyde, a promising young man engaged in business with his father; and Lorena and Sarah Helen, yet at home.
In politics, Mr. Patton is a Republican, having held many offices of trust in his native township. He and his family are earnest supporters of the U. P. Congregation at Cherry Fork.
From History of Adams County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900