Robert Miller Peterson
Robert Miller Peterson, farmer, residing near Peebles, Ohio, was born July 5, 1854, near Newport, in Adams County. His father was Ralph Peterson, a native of Brown Couty, whose father, Ralph Peterson, came from the State of New Jersey. The name is Swedish, and Ralph Peterson's ancestors came to this country originally from Sweden.
Our subject's mother was Drusilla A. Wilson. Her father, Ralph Wilson, born in Pennsylvania, was in the War of 1812, and had nine brothers, all of whom were soldiers in the same war. He had five sisters. Our subject attended the common schools of his vicinity and early displayed a thirst for learning. He attended several Normal schools in the county, began the work of teaching in 1873, and continued it for ten years, working on the farm in the Summer months. From 1883 to 1885, he was engaged in merchandising at Dunbarton, Ohio, with J. W. Rogers, under the firm name of Rogers & Peterson. In 1885, he went to farming on the farm where he now resides, and has followed that occupation ever since. He was Clerk of Meigs Township from 1892 to 1896.
He was married September 19, 1883, to Miss Ellen M. Rogers, daughter of John Wilson Rogers. They have two children, Nellie B. and Ralph.
Mr. Peterson is not a member of any church, but believes in the broad religion of humanity. He is one of those with whom it is pleasant to meet and converse, and after meeting him one feels that he has met a fellow man whom it is a pleasure to know. He possesses much magnetism and he aims to do good to all with whom he associates and makes those persons feel he has benefited them. He is always ready to learn and equally ready to impart his information in a way to give pleasure to his hearers. In his political beliefs, he is a Democrat. He is a citizen, honest, industrious and upright, whose life can alwavs be cited for good and whose place in the community is for usefulness. He is a prudent and safe counselor, an obliging and considerate neighbor. As a friend, he is faithful and true. His convictions on any subject are strong and not easily changed. With all these good qualities fully known and understood, he is bighly esteemed among his neighbors and in the circle of his associates.
From History of Adams County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900