Charles E. Eckert
Charles E. Eckert, senior member of the firm of Charles E. Eckert & Son, funeral directors and embalmers, at Lima, was born at Miltonville, Ohio, in 1853, and is a son of the late Capt. George Eckert.
Capt. George Eckert was one of the pioneer pottery manufacturers of Ohio, establishing his business in that line in 1837. His title was gained as captain of a company of "Squirrel Hunters," called to the defense of the State during the Morgan raids.
Charles E. Eckert was reared and educated in Butler County, Ohio and his first work was done in his father's pottery. He learned the trade and followed it there until he was about 30 years of age, when he went to Canada, where he remained three years, operating two large brick plants which he built. Upon his return to Butler County, he was made superintendent of the Middletown Cemetery, and later entered the employ of A. T. Wilson, the Middletown undertaker. Five years later he came to Lima and was employed for five years by Mr. Grosjean, the undertaker. On April 23, 1902, he went into business for himself, establishing the firm of Charles E. Eckert & Son, which is one of the leading ones in its line in Lima. He is a graduate of the Clarke Cincinnati College of Embalming. His establishment is fitted with everything pertaining to modern embalming and the directing of funerals. He is a member of the Ohio Funeral Directors' and Embalmers' Association.
Mr. Eckert was married in 1873 to Delia Antrim, who died in 1893, leaving two children, George W. and Keturah. In 1897 he was married to Minnie Dietz, of Trenton, Ohio.
Mr. Eckert belongs to the Royal Arcanum, the Knights of the Maccabees and to Solar Lodge, No. 783, I. O. O. F. He is a man of sterling character and enjoys the respect of his fellow-citizens.