Ohio Biographies

John Wherry

John Wherry, a prominent farmer and stockraiser of Genoa Township, residing on his valuable farm of 122 acres, is an honored survivor of the great Civil War in which he took an active part. He was born in Pennsylvania, May 9, 1838, and is a son of Samuel and Sarah (Galey) Wherry.

Mr. Wherry is of German-Irish extraction. In 1856 Samuel Wherry brought his family from Pennsylvania to Ohio and settled on a farm of 60 acres which he purchased in Genoa Township, Delaware County, which he cultivated for two years and also followed the blacksmith trade. In 1858 he went to Missouri and there worked at his trade until the time of his death which took place in middle life. Of his 11 children four reached maturity, namely: Samuel, John, Mary Jane and Elizabeth, the two latter being since deceased. Samuel Wherry was a Republican in his political views.

John Wherry accompanied his father to Missouri in 1858, but in June, 1860, he returned to the old homestead in Genoa Township and in the following year he was married. Shortly afterward Mr. and Mrs. Wherry settled on the Steele homestead and to the old farm he has added until his land aggregates 122 acres, and here he has carried on a general line of agriculture for many years. In 1864 Mr. Wherry enlisted for service in the Civil War, entering Company H, One Hundred. and Seventy-fourth Ohio Volunteer Inf., with which he remained connected until the close of the Rebellion and the return of peace, his discharge bearing the date of June 28, 1865. He saw hard service, participating in the battles of Nashville and Murfreesboro, Tennessee; Athens, Alabama; the evacuation of Decatur; the siege of Murfreesboro; Overalls Creek; battle of the Cedars, and the battle at Wise Fork, North Carolina. His record shows that at all times he was a fearless, effective soldier ever at the post of duty.

On March 20, 1801, Mr. Wherry was married to Margaret Ann Steele, who was born in Carroll County, Ohio, August 25, 1839, and is a daughter of William Stewart and Margaret (McEldary) Steele. William S. Steele was born in Pennsylvania, April 29, 1805, went to Carroll County, Ohio, in young manhood and on December 23, 1834, was married to Margaret McEldary. who was horn in Pennsylvania, April 20, 1815. They had 11 children, three of whom were born in Delaware County. In 1849 Mr. Steele moved to the latter county and bought a farm of 100 acres in Genoa Township, paying $11 per acre and cleared 50 of the same, later selling 50 of the original purchase and still later buying 60 more acres. He died on the present farm of Mr. and Mrs. Wherry, aged 83 years. He was a leading member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Wherry's one daughter and three sons were born on the home farm. namely: Eva Adelle, George Grant, William Sherman and Nathaniel. The daughter is deceased. Mr. Wherry is a stanch Republican.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



