Ohio Biographies

Dr. Arthur Charles Bauer

Dr. Arthur Charles Bauer, who has been in the general practice of medicine in Cincinnati since 1893 and has also specialized to a considerable extent in gynecology, was born in this city, November 11, 180, a son of Christian and Anna (Lechner) Bauer. His paternal grandfather, Simon Bauer, was a German architect, who left his native country to establish his home in America, settling in New Orleans. After six months, however yellow fever claimed him as a victim. His widow and their two children afterward came to Cincinnati, Christian J. Bauer being at that time about five or six years of age. He was educated in the public schools of this city and became foreman in the stereotype department of the Enquirer, which position he filled for thirty-five years, being one of the oldest stereotype men of the country and an authority upon that subject. At the time of the Civil War he espoused the cause of the Union, enlisting as a member of Company G, Thirty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with which he served for four years. He was wounded in both feet and was held as a prisoner of war, in Libby prison at Richmond, Virginia, for some time, but at length was exchanged. He proved a valorous, loyal soldier, never faltering in the performance of any duty whether is stationed him on the lonely picket line or sent him to the firing line. He afterward became a member of Lytle Post, G.A.R., of which he served as commander, and he also belonged to the Union Veterans legion. Fraternally he was connected with the Masons, holding membership in Miami Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of which he was a past master, while in the chapter he took the Royal Arch degree. He likewise held membership with the Tribe of Ben Hur. He died May 7, 1909, and is now survived only by Dr. Bauer, the eldest son of the family, Albert J, Bauer, having passed away.

Dr. Bauer was educated in Woodward high school and in the University of Cincinnati, but ere completing his education he had entered the business world. Working at various times in different departments of the Enquirer. He first acted as assistant to the manager of the weekly and later did reportorial work but the profession of medicine attracted him and to this he directed his attention, pursuing his preliminary reading under the preceptorship of Dr. L. A. Querner. Subsequently he was graduated from the Ohio Medical College with the class of 1893 and entered at once upon general practice, opening an office in Cincinnati. He also served as assistant at clinics of Professor Frederick Kebeler and taught bandaging at the Medical College, being connected later with the clinics of the Cincinnati Medical College. He also taught materia medica at the Ohio Veterinary College and is now serving on the staff of the Cincinnati postgraduate School of Polyclinic. He belongs to the Cincinnati Academy of Medicine and is serving on its legislative committee. He is also a member of the Ohio State Medical Society, the American Medical Association and the West End Medical Association. He thus keeps in close touch with the progressive work that is being done by the profession. He is a member of the executive board and treasurer of the Ohio Miami Medical College Alumni Association of the University of Cincinnati.

In 1896 Dr. Bauer was united in marriage to Miss. Minnie Hehl, daughter of Louis Hehl, of Baltimore, Maryland, a furniture manufacturer of that city. They have one child, Charlotte Alberta. Dr. and Mrs. Bauer now hold membership in the Presbyterian Church, of which Dr. Watson is pastor and he was formerly a trustee in the Third Presbyterian Church. He is well known in fraternal relations belonging to Enoch T. Carson Lodge, F. & A.M., although he was made a Mason in Miami lodge. He likewise holds membership in Kilwinning Chapter, R.A.M., in Ohio Consistory, S.P.R.S. and Syrian Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S. He is filling the office of state counselor in the Junior Order of United American Mechanics and nearly every other position in that organization, including that of colonel of the Second Regiment of the Uniform Rank. He belongs also to the Tribe of Ben Hur, to the Knights of the Maccabees, the Ancient Order of Red Men, the Independent Order of Foresters and the Order of the Iroquois. In matters of citizenship he stands for all that is most helpful to the community, state and nation. He believes in teaching patriotism to young men of the country and that only such immigrants should be allowed to enter as have the qualification to become desirable citizens. He also holds that those who come here for temporary residence with the intention of only making money and no intention of identifying themselves permanently with the United States should not be permitted to furnish the competition of cheap labor with the native American labor. In a word he believes that America should be for Americans and that every citizen should help to promote the best interests of the country along those lines which work for the good of the majority.


From Cincinnati, The Queen City, Volume III by Rev. Charles Frederic Goss, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1912



