Ohio Biographies

Frederick H. Ballman

Frederick H. Ballman, banker and manufacturer of Cincinnati, is a native of this city and for many years has been an active factor in its growth. He was born February 7, 1854, a son of John F. and Ann Eliza (Kottkamp) Ballman, and in the public schools gained the rudiments of an education. At the age of thirteen years he entered the employ of Carpenter & Schlotman, window-shade manufacturers, with headquarters on Sixth Street near Vine, and continued with this firm until 1878. He then became connected with A.J. Nurre, manufacturer of molding and picture frames, soon afterward going upon the road as traveling representative. In 1882-1883 he traveled for John T. Bonte, who was in the same line of business as Mr. Nurre, and from 1884 to the close of 1886 was traveling salesman for the Sargent Manufacturing Company, manufactures if furniture. In 1887 he assisted in the organization of the Ballman, Hugenberg Company, which took over the business of the Sargent Manufacturing Company, Mr. Sargent retiring, and carried it forward for ten years. This firm was then succeeded by the Ballman Cabinet Company, of which Mr. Ballman of this review is the head. The company manufactures a line of fancy furniture, its factory being located at 530-542 Livingston Street. Employment is given to about eighty persons and the business produces a handsome annual revenue. In February 1907, Mr. Ballman assisted in organizing the Liberty Bank & Savings Company. He was elected the first president of this institution and is still holding that office. Mr. Ballman also filled for many years the office of president of the Globe Building Savings Company; he is a member of the Furniture Exchange of which he occupied the president’s chair for three terms and for ten years has been identified with the Industrial Bureau, of which he served for a time as a director. Being thoroughly experienced in business affairs and also possessing executive qualifications of a high order, he has made a success of his undertakings, arguing well for favorable returns in any enterprise to which he devotes his attention.

In 1890 Mr. Ballman was married to Miss. Minnie Klayer, who dies in 1909. She was a woman of many admirable traits of mind and character and attracted a host of friends, who sincerely regretted her departure. Fraternally Mr. Ballman is a valued member of the Masonic order, being connected with Excelsior Lodge, A.F. & A.M.; Cincinnati Chapter, R.A.M.; Cincinnati Commandery, K.T.; and Syrian Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S. He has never possessed aspirations for public office but served to the general satisfaction of the people for thirty years as member of the Cincinnati school board. He has always been active in benevolent interests, as is shown by his connection with the German Altenheim and German Orphan Asylum, of which he is a member and liberal contributor. Always alert and zealous in whatever has attracted his attention, he has been unusually successful and has many friends, who admire him for his upright character and the interest he evinces in the welfare of all with whom he is brought into contact. His success is due to increasing endeavor, tireless energy and close application, and that stout adherence to the highest ethics of business.


From Cincinnati, The Queen City, Volume III by Rev. Charles Frederic Goss, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1912



