Ohio Biographies

Lewis Fremont Tarr

Lewis Fremont Tarr, who owus 287 acres of farm land in Jefferson County, Ohio, has it separated into three tracts, seventy-six acres being in Wells Township, and two other tracts, the old home farm of 130 acres and an adjoining faim of 81 acres, being in Steubenville Township. Mr. Tarr belongs to one of the real old families of Jelferson County. He was born on his present farm in Steubenville Township, September 22, 1855, and is a son of William A. and Elvira (Dalrymple) Tarr.

William A. Tarr was born also on this farm and was a son of Capt. Daniel aud Cassandra (Cox) Tarr, and a graudson of Peter Tarr. Peter Tarr with his three brothers, settled at Wellsburg. W. Va., at a very early day. They were natives of Holland and were iron workers and it is said that Peter Tarr, in his charcoal furnace at King's Creek, made the first iron manufactured east of the mouutains, and the old place is still known by the Tarr name. After Peter Tarr settled at Wellsburg he worked at the blacksmith trade and made log chains of the kind that were in use on the old style bridges and also iron kettles that are fit to use at the present day. He died at King's Creek, W. Va.

Daniel Tarr, the grandfather of Lewis Fremont Tarr, was born in Brooke County, West Virginia, aud he also became a blacksmith and with his brothers also engaged in farming. In those days they would float their produce down the river on flatboats to New Orleans each season and walk the distance back. Daniel Tarr often told of seeing many historic spots and of meeting; with distinguished people and ever was proud of the fact that on one occasion he had the pleasure of shaking hands with Gen. Andrew Jackson. He was, however, a man of considerable prominence himself, being a captain in the War of 1812 and also for many years a justice of the peace. When the father died the three sons came into possession of much land and Daniel took for his portion the hill farms in Jefferson County, Ohio, and lived on this land for many years. His old cabin is still preserved by his grandson. His death occurred in 1876, when he was eighty-four years of age, and he was buried with the honors of war. He married Cassandra Cox, who was born in Brooke County, West Virginia. in a house but lately torn down that had been erected during the reign of King George. The Cox family was probably the first that settled in Hampshire County, Virginia. She lived to the age of seventy-six years. To Daniel and Cassandra Tarr the following children were born: William Augustus, father of Lewis Fremont; John V., who was a justice of the peace for many years; Franklin J., who is deceased; Mary Jane, who died in her eighty-second year; and Sarah Ann, Elza Andrew, who died in his eightieth year; Grafton W. and Christian W. all of the above mentioned family are deceased.

William A. Tarr was rocked to sleep in infancy in a sugar trough in lieu of a cradle, and he spent his entire life on this farm. He married Elvira Dalrymple, who came of an old Scotch family, and she survived him for ten years. They had eight children: John B., who is deceased; Josephine, who is the widow of W. Thompson; Casper, who is deceased; Lucinda, who is the wife of Rev. S. P. Lloyd; Lewis Fremont; and Madison, Ida Belle and Wilbur Lawrence.

Lewis Fremont Tarr has passed the larger part of his life in Steubenville Township and has worked on the farm ever since he left school. When he reached manhood, in association with his brother Wilbur, he bought the home farm of 130 acres and later added the other tracts. The brothers carry on their farm industries in partuership. This is as valuable land as can be found in Jefferson County, all being richly underveined with coal that has not been sold. In October, 1909, a fine gas well was developed on the place. The brothers have done a large amoimt of improving and each year the property becomes more valuable. Mr. Tarr has four new orchards, and has the best variety of the choicest fruits that will do well in this climate.


20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910



